The World's Biggest Stage:
Livestreaming 101

Tuition: $770
Session Dates: March 6, 2023 - June 15, 2023
Final Showcase: June 16-18, 2023
Class Time: TBA
Ages: 13+
Registration for Live Streaming 101: The World's Biggest Stage will open soon.
Live streaming is relatively new to the world, but it’s quickly gaining traction with audiences and the attention of those on the lookout for new and innovative ways of delivering content. Live streaming turns the entire world into your stage, making it easy to connect with audiences all over the world. The World’s Biggest Stage will teach students what platforms are best for their preferred content, how to engage their audience, how to promote their content through social media, and more!
Topics covered:
Intro to different streaming platforms: Twitch, Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube Live, TikTok
Tools of streaming: Content, hardware, software
Building scenes, overlays and branding
Monetization: How to raise funds for charities and causes
Ethics and etiquette
Create and run a livestream for a final project